This Herbal Blend will help you slim down quickly, by shedding unwanted pounds through flushing the body of toxins and excess waste. This is a full body cleanse, this will detoxify the colon, kidneys, Liver, Bladder, Blood and skin.
While the body has natural means of doing this through the liver, urine, sweat and fecal matter, completing this body cleanse will further assist the liver in neutralizing toxins and release them from your body, giving you more energy and speeding up your metabolism to support weightloss.
Drink mostly WATER (spring or alkaline), FRUITS (juiced, blended or eaten whole) Fruits help cleanse the body & VEGGIES (juiced, blended or consumed raw) Vegetables helps the body restore and heal itself once the toxins are eliminated.
STAY AWAY FROM:meat (fish is included in the meats) dairy, processed foods, sodas, sugary juices and junk food.
Boil water and steep tea bag for 5-7 mins (cover with lid or saucer to lock all the goodness) Tea bags may be used twice. Once done with first use keep refrigerated until second use. For freshness use within 1-2 days discard after.
3 Day Detox:
Use 2 tea bags twice daily
10 & 30 Day Detox:
Use one tea bag TWICE daily.
Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor. I am a Holistic Consultant. In no manner, stated or implied is any statement made by me on any of my platforms, meant to treat, cure, diagnose, or prevent any illness. If you are Pregnant, Breastfeeding or taking medication, Please be sure to seek medical advice from a professional before using herbs or essential oils. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.
Golden Healing Essentials
Zarebearsbabycare LLC©️